Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Story So Far of the Proposed Landfill to be in York...

First we would like to give you a little background on what has happened so far.
This Landfill proposal, the establishing of a landfill site catering for metro waste for the next  40 years on the property known as “Allawuna” farm on the west side of York, came into the public domain, the neighbour sat down for morning tea with his shearer and the shearer said to him something like “ You lot are going to have fun, when this landfill is in operation next door”. He spoke to his neighbours and nobody knew anything about it.  He called a meeting at the Sandalwood Yards in early November 2012 which was attended by some 28 concerned people.

A group of people, mainly from the area directly affected by these proposals but also some town folks, had a meeting soon after and an incidental committee was formed. Several people took the bull by the horns and started work. The closest neighbour painted signs which were put along the Great Southern Hwy. They started producing flyers to hand out in the street and a petition was started by a number of people. It was soon after that SITA, the proponents of the Landfill announced that it would hold an information meeting in York. See link to SITA media release

The scramble was on to prepare for the meeting. The petition and handouts created lots of awareness of the issue and a stall was manned at the market.

The Coalition members prepared lots of questions for the SITA meeting in the York Townhall attended by over 350 ratepayers. Two thirds of people asking questions at the meeting were associated with the Coalition. The meeting went rather well. A recording of the meeting was made by Bryn Watkins who volunteered his services and did so on our behalf. The video can be viewed

A DVD of the meeting is also available from Bryn Watkins by email:  

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